Have your say on the future of Europe’s energy system



We all know that Europe needs to stop building fossil fuel infrastructure yesterday to be able to keep the global temperature rise below 1.5 degrees.

The current law on priority EU energy infrastructure, the ‘TEN-E Regulation’, is very much at odds with the aim of building a future proof, clean energy system. It’s the law that made it possible for 55 fossil gas projects to receive highest EU priority as ‘Projects of Common Interest’ (PCIs). The good news: The law will be revised and the EU commission is seeking input from NGOs, citizens, scientists etc. on what a new energy infrastructure law should look like.

How can you submit to the consultation?

  1. Click on the button below – it will generate an email to the European Commission with a pre-written text.
  2. Fill out your name and other details at the bottom of the email text.
  3. If you have time, try to personalise your submission as much as possible. You could add a sentence or two at the start to say where you are writing from and why you particularly care about this issue. Feel free to edit the text of the email.

Link not working? Click here for an alternative way to make a submission.

Food & Water Europe’s Hydrocarbon Toolkit


Common Resources


The goal of this toolkit is to provide legal arguments to activists in the European Union (EU) against the exploration and extraction of hydrocarbons (e.g., shale gas/oil, tight gas/oil, coal-bed methane) by referring to relevant articles of existing and binding EU law. It explains in accessible language the most relevant Directives and Regulations that are applicable to the exploration and extraction of hydrocarbons. More precisely, the toolkit discusses the individual pieces of legislation along the hydraulic fracturing process, starting from prior assessments to liability. For each Directive/Regulation it discusses the goal and scope, the most relevant provisions, limitations, and the general line of argumentation that non-governmental organisations (NGOs) can use to challenge the exploration and extraction of hydrocarbons. Case law is discussed where relevant. Lastly, the toolkit establishes the procedural steps that citizens and/or organisations can take to contest a certain project on the EU level.

This toolkit focuses on regulation of the exploration and extraction of hydrocarbons such as shale gas/oil, tight gas/oil and coal-bed methane; however, it is important to note that some negative impacts (water and soil con- tamination, methane emissions, earthquakes from wastewater disposal, as well as public health impacts) can occur even if hydraulic fracturing is not being used as a stimulation method.

Find out more in, ‘Food & Water Europe’s Hydrocarbon Toolkit.’

Chemical Billionaire’s Bid for Fossil Fuel Empire: Ineos Corporate Profile


Common Resources

For the past decade, the United States has pursued a failed experiment in natural gas extraction known as hydraulic fracturing, or fracking.

The fossil fuel industry touts fracking as a revolutionary technology that could deliver huge volumes of cheap, clean energy. But the fracking boom has been an environmental catastrophe in the United States.


The private and secretive chemical company Ineos has been leading the charge to bring this environmentally destructive method to the United Kingdom (UK) and mainland Europe.

However, the fracking “revolution” that Ineos promotes is a return to the past, where corporate executives profit from environmentally destructive extraction and the generation of dirty energy. In reality, fracked gas is incompatible with European Union (EU) and United Kingdom (UK) climate objectives, the Paris Agreement obligations and the need to act quickly to tackle climate change.

Find out more in, ‘Chemical Billionaire’s Bid for Fossil Fuel Empire: Ineos Corporate Profile.

The Trans-Atlantic Plastics Pipeline: How Pennsylvania’s Fracking Boom Crosses the Atlantic



America’s oil and gas rush is now coming to Europe, polluting both sides of the pond, contributing to climate change and threatening coastal wildlife.

Over the past decade, the U.S. fossil fuel industry has surged by employing new techniques and technologies that combine horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing (or fracking) to extract oil and gas from shale and other underground rock formations.


Fracking causes many negative public health and environmental impacts and injects large quantities of water, sand and chemicals under high pressure to release oil or gas tightly held in rock layers.

European countries must protect the environment and public health and reject America’s headlong rush to fracking and cracking pollution and environmental damage.





La industria española del porcino supone el 37 por ciento del total de la producción ganadera, y el 14 por ciento de la producción agraria total, generando alrededor de 6 millones de euros en 2014.

España es el tercer mayor exportador mundial de porcino, detrás de China y Estados Unidos, tras convertirse en 2015 en el principal exportador de la Unión Europea (UE), por delante de Alemania y Dinamarca. En ese mismo año, España
alcanzó también el mayor censo de la UE, con 28.3 millones de cerdos. Mientras que otros productores europeos reducen su producción, España la incrementa, así como sus exportaciones, como resultado de una industria con un alto nivel de integración y con los costes de producción más reducidos entre los principales países productores de la UE.





Spain is the third largest exporter of pork after China and the United States and has the largest pig population in the EU, 28,3 million animals.

Production and exports are growing as a result of high industry integration and low production costs. But that means that the industry is getting concentrated in just a few hands, with the number of farms diminishing rapidly and farmers facing growing marginalization. And this industry is not being held accountable for its impacts on the environment, workers and communities.