- Thousands of people have participated in the Global Frackdown, an international day of action that calls for a ban on fracking.
- As part of the ‘Global Frackdown to Paris’ and prior to the Paris COP21 climate summit, more than 1200 groups – including 250 European groups – signed our letter to world leaders ahead calling for a ban on fracking.
- In June 2015, we helped convince a majority of the European Parliament to support a fracking moratorium.
- Following a huge push by our supporters, Members of the European Parliament in November 2015 accepted that fracking may be detrimental to the climate, environment, public health and the EU’s long term decarbonization goal.
- We successfully campaigned to pass a strong resolution supporting the Human Right to Water and Sanitation in the European Parliament.
- We helped ensure that nineteen countries representing more than two-thirds of both European citizens and their cropland officially requested GM crop bans.
- We joined more than 500 organisations encouraging more than 3 MILLION people to demand that the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (aka TTIP) is scrapped.
- We helped local people block a huge new megadairy at Nocton in the U.K.
- We contributed through European mobilization to keep Greek water in public hands.
- We defended our common natural heritage from privatisation by objecting officially to the use of biodiversity offsetting in EU law.
- We defended the rule of law by objecting officially to the inclusion of an Investor/State Dispute Mechanism in the ongoing U.S./EU trade talks (TTIP/TAFTA).
- We coordinated a coalition of Spanish farmers, consumers and environmentalists demanding a halt to GMO crops cultivation in Spain.
- We led an international challenge of the London Zoological Society’s position in sponsoring a major conference on biodiversity offsetting.
- 2 million European citizens demanded the human right to water and sanitation.
- We joined with U.S. farmers to warn every EU Agriculture Minister about the dangers of approving a second GM crop (Pioneer1507 maize) to be grown in Europe — and it is still not approved.
- We objected to the use of biodiversity offsetting in England.
- We joined an international coalition supporting local activists fighting the effective self-regulation of GM salmon production in Panama.
- We exposed the U.S. State Department’s promotion of the biotech seed industry’s global agenda.
- Ongoing): We challenged U.K. supermarkets to either admit to using GM animal feed or be exposed for refusing to say where it is used.
- We exposed how prominent vested interests are cooking the books to make GM crops look good.
- We pressed the EU Parliament to take responsibility for exporting the damage done by our factory farms by using industrial soya for feed.