EU’s Temporary Ban on Cloning Hypocritical, Indefensible
Press Statement: The EU today surprised and angered consumers with a half-hearted 'ban' on cloning in the EU that failed to extend the ban to imported products from clones, and food from clone offspring. The Commission has completely dodged the real issues and placed the EU in a completely hypocritical situation. They acknowledged the ethical minefield posed by cloning, yet apparently feel it is ok to profit from it as long as it happens outside the EU.
Statement by Wenonah Hauter, Executive Director, Food & Water Europe
Brussels — “The EU today surprised and angered consumers with a half-hearted ‘ban’ on cloning in the EU that failed to extend the ban to imported products from clones, and food from clone offspring.
“The Commission has completely dodged the real issues and placed the EU in a completely hypocritical situation. They acknowledged the ethical minefield posed by cloning, yet apparently feel it is ok to profit from it as long as it happens outside the EU. It is an ethically indefensible policy.
“What’s worse, we have seen no indication that the Commission has in any way dealt with the overwhelming public rejection of food from cloning and consumers’ fundamental right to know what they are eating. We ask the Commission again: When will the food from clones and their offspring carry a proper label?
“We will continue to urge the Parliament to reject this measure and press for a complete ban on all foods from clones and their offspring. Anything less perpetuates the horrendous suffering cloning brings and does EU consumers a huge disservice.”
Read our updated fact sheet.
Food & Water Europe is a program of Food & Water Watch, Inc., a non-profit consumer NGO based in Washington, D.C., working to ensure clean water and safe food in Europe and around the world. We challenge the corporate control and abuse of our food and water resources by empowering people to take action and transforming the public consciousness about what we eat and drink.
Contact: Eve Mitchell, +44 (0)1381 610 740, emitchell(at) or Gabriella Zanzanaini, +32 (0)488 409 662, gzanzanaini(at)