10 Year Anniversary of the Human Rights to Water and Sanitation

On July 28, 2010 the United Nations General Assembly voted to enshrine the human rights to water and sanitation in international law. At Food & Water Action Europe we will celebrate it with friends and allies in a series of webinars to analyze the experience after these 10 years.




Join us to hear from water justice activists, trade unionists and policy experts who led the campaign for the recognition of this socio-economic right and who are leading the efforts for its realization today. From the global to the local, we will discuss the significance of the human rights to water and sanitation in the midst of a global pandemic.

Webinar 1: The Human Rights to Water and Sanitation in International Law

July 30th at 4 pm (Brussels time)

– Maude Barlow, Chair of the Blue Planet Project and Chair of Food & Water Watch
– Adriana Marquisio – Worker of Obras Sanitarias del Estado, Uruguay. PAPC, Red Vida
– Pablo Solon, Former Ambassador to the UN, Bolivia
– Pablo Sánchez Centellas, European Federation of Public Service Unions
– David Boys – Public Services International, Global Water Operator Partnership Alliance
– Leo Heller – Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights to Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation

More information and registration here

Webinar 2: Community self management and the right to water and sanitation in Latin America: where are we 10 years later

August 4th at 9 pm (Brussels time )

This webinar will feature the inspiring initiatives of rural water cooperatives in Chile, Colombia and El Salvador where communities are self-organizing to fulfill their collective rights to water and sanitation. It is an opportunity to hear directly from people involved in these local initiatives and to learn from the insights of colleagues of the Plataforma de Acuerdos Público Comunitarios de Las Américas – PAPC who have been supporting these grassroots alternatives to state-centred solutions for water justice.

The webinar invites us to look beyond the public vs private binary and learn about the innovative ways in which communities are building their own democratic and solidarity-based alternatives. It will also feature the public-community partnerships facilitated by the PAPC enabling public utilities, public sector unions and community water operators  to share knowledge and resources throughout Latin America.

Register here

Follow updates on the facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/988128131620103

Webinar 3: Gender Justice and the Human Rights to Water and Sanitation 

August 7 at 4 pm (Brussels time) 

Hear from women community leaders, policy experts and activists leading important struggles for water justice in the USA, South Africa, Nigeria, Palestine and Indonesia. Zoom registration here.

FB event here