Brussels, 25 October 2016 – Today, a majority of 415 to 223 MEPs (55 abstentions) approved the report on an “EU strategy on LNG and gas storage”, drafted by EPP MEP András Gyürk.
Only a few days before the global Paris Agreement will enter into force, the European Parliament takes a worrying decision by welcoming the import of fracked US gas and a further lock-in to fossil fuel investments – with European tax money. Given that gas infrastructure is already heavily underused, this will result in numerous cases of stranded assets and even more European LNG overcapacities.
LNG – with its significant share of methane emissions and the disastrous impacts of fracked fossil fuels – is not a climate- or environmentally-friendly solution at all. Our planet reacts much more quickly to reductions of methane emissions, which will be crucial in order to keep global warming under control.
“The EU will not be able to fulfill its obligations under the Paris Agreement by calling for the extraction of more fossil fuels and the expansion of gas infrastructure – while at the same time disregarding energy efficiency and renewables,” said Frida Kieninger, Campaigns Officer at Food & Water Europe.
The report also puts a particular focus on the import of LNG from the United States.”Two thirds of US gas is obtained through fracking. While several EU Member States declared moratoria or bans on fracking, it is cynical to push for the import of fracked gas from abroad at the same time”, said Frida Kieninger, “We need a clear commitment at the EU and Member State level to transition now to a decarbonized future in line with the Paris Agreement.”
Frida Kieninger tel. +32 (0)2 893 10 45, mobile +32 (0)4 872 49 905, fkieninger(at)fweurope(dot)org