ExxonMobil has lied about the facts of climate change for decades.
Ask the European Parliament to hold the oil and gas giant accountable for its disinformation campaign!
Send an email or tweet to the coordinators of the petition campaign:
Sample email: Subject: Support petition 0900/2016 – hold ExxonMobil accountable for its climate-change denial campaign
For half a century, ExxonMobil knows that its fossil fuel activities aggravate climate change. Nevertheless, the company decided to hide these facts and started a disinformation campaign. Today, oil and gas giant ExxonMobil is active in several EU Member States and among the biggest greenhouse gas emitters globally. While in the US an initially promising vigorous push to hold the corporation accountable was recently stalled, it is crucial that the issue is discussed at EU level. The EU has to protect its citizens and companies such as ExxonMobil have to be required to provide honest and transparent information – a request which is certainly not conflicting with freedom of speech.
I am asking you, a representative of the European Parliament, to take appropriate measures and do everything possible to convince ExxonMobil to act in line with the Paris Agreement and communicate the evidence of climate change appropriately.
Kind regards, ________
Sample tweet: #ExxonKnew about climate change since the 70s-yet they lied about it. @peter_jahr @beatrizbecerrab please support petition 0900/2016 on ExxonMobil during the upcoming Coordinators meeting and protect EU citizens from the #oil& #gas giant’s denial campaigns! #beyondgas #beyondoil
Do you want to know more about this issue?
Read about the ExxonMobil climate change denial campaign in our blog.