Global Frackdown
The Global Frackdown 2016, an international day of action to challenge the oil and gas industry and ban fracking worldwide, will take place on October 15, 2016. Around the world, for the fifth year running, participants will be shouting “Ni ici, ni ailleurs” — “not here or anywhere!” — in support of a ban on fracking.
The joint demands are simple and mirror the need for critical change on our planet:
- An immediate ban without any exemptions of all types of fracking with regard to the research, exploration and exploitation of fossil energy sources. This ban should apply whether or not the fracturing occurs with or without chemicals, hydraulically or in other ways.
- A halt to the import and export of “fracked” fossil fuels and a cessation of infrastructure expansion to support this trade.
- A ban on the injection of fracking waste as a disposal method.
- A revision of existing mining laws. The revision must focus on ensuring the highest environmental standards and the participation rights of the public
- A commitment to make the investments necessary for a quick and just transition to a 100% renewable energy future, so we can usher in the “Clean Energy Revolution” we desperately need to avoid the worst impacts of the climate emergency.
The time has come for us to call on our elected leaders to ensure a sustainable future for our country, communities and families. Communities around the world will gather to send a message to elected officials, telling them that we need a future powered by clean, renewable energy, not by dirty, polluting fossil fuels. United, we call on our legislators to ban fracking, to stop the import of fracked fossil fuels and to implement the needed measures for the clean energy revolution.
The oil and gas industry has spent millions of dollars on slick PR campaigns and high-profile lobbying efforts to buy the ability to extract fossil fuels from our communities and to expand the global liquefied natural gas (LNG) network with as little government oversight as possible, all while endangering and destroying our air, water, land resources and climate. We can’t allow this to continue — our environment, our health and the future of the coming generations are too precious to be fracked.
We need to make sure that the COP21 Paris Agreement is just a start, and that we build on it and work to ensure that in its implementation, fracking for shale gas, tight gas, coalbed methane and tight oil, as well as other extreme fossil fuel extraction methods, are incompatible with climate stability.
That’s why we also say “NO to the fossil fuel industry at the COP22” and demand that climate change denier lobbyists like ExxonMobil be excluded from the talks in Morocco.
Since the first Global Frackdown we have made great strides. But our work is not over! As the oil and gas industry ramps up its public relations offensive, it is critical that our elected officials hear the concerns of their constituents. Fracking is an inherently dangerous practice that has far-reaching effects. Gas is not a bridge fuel to a low-carbon economy. It is a bridge to environmental destruction and a climate disaster.