By Eve Mitchell
That’s a lot of people. Folks aren’t happy about TTIP. They’re right to worry.
Promises from politicians keep rolling in about how much we’ll all benefit, but it doesn’t add up – more exports can’t fix everyone’s economic problems. Big companies support TTIP, and they’ve got the lobbying power to back them up. Only 4 percent of EU Commission lobbying meetings surveyed were with public interest groups – 92 percent were with private sector lobbyists.
When it comes to TTIP, being big matters. Whatever they say in public, behind the scenes big business knows who will win, and who will lose, under TTIP. Even the UK Confederation of British Industry says TTIP gains for small- and medium-sized businesses are “hypothetical“. Big business is also perfectly happy if TTIP erodes our right to make new rules to protect us and our environment since it makes their jobs easier.
It won’t be much better for workers. Tufts University predicts an era of TTIP-driven “European disintegration, unemployment and instability” if the deal goes through.
That’s why in the last year over 2.5 million people have signed the public call to halt TTIP in its tracks, even though the Commission won’t accept it as an official European Citizens’ Initiative. We’re not giving up that easily.
This action ends on 6 October – one year after it was started and the time allowed for official petitions to try to gain 1 million signatures.
Take this last chance now to add your voice to the call to dump TTIP today. Help us make sure our governments can make the rules we want, not the ones that suit big business. It’ll be good to have you with us.
P.S. Don’t forget you can also get involved with the Global Days of Action starting Saturday, 10 October.