This year again, a wave of people power will roll over the globe, showing that a just transition to a clean, democratic energy system is necessary – and possible!
Since 2013, Reclaim Power has united organizations from around the world to demand a profound change in our energy systems, stop harmful energy projects and cut money flows to dirty energy.
During the entire month of October 2017, events will be held and groups will demonstrate how widespread and strong worldwide mobilization against the current energy system is.
During this month of resistance and of united actions, Food & Water Watch and Food & Water Europe, both Reclaim Power partners, will again coordinate a global day of action against fracking – the Global Frackdown. On 14 October, various movements in different countries will state a clear NO to dirty fossil fuels extracted by the dangerous method of fracking.
To learn more about this coordinated day of action, visit
To learn more about Reclaim Power, go to