Hydrogen: Climate Fix Or Fossil Fuelled Fiction?


LNGJusticeFossil FuelsClimate

10 Reasons why hydrogen is a problem 

Read more here.

The aim of this briefing is to offer a clear and concise explanation of why hydrogen, regardless of how it is made, can create more problems than solutions for people and the planet. We have identified 10 key reasons that show why hydrogen poses serious climate, environmental and social justice risks.

The briefing highlights the problems with Europe’s move towards a hydrogen economy.

It shows how hydrogen, today largely made from fossil ‘natural’ gas, can be a safety hazard and a leaky climate issue.

While limited amounts of hydrogen might be needed in the future, the briefing shows how ‘green’ hydrogen could come with a troublesome track-record of land and resource-grabbing, unneeded infrastructure build-out, high energy bills and neocolonial practices that ultimately distract from urgently needed real solutions.

The briefing is a collection of easy-to-understand facts around hydrogen in the face of an oversized hydrogen boom fuelled by fossil fuel industry interests.

Want a sneak peek into the briefing? Here are the topics it adresses in 10 short chapters:

  • The Hydrogen Hype Hides a Greenwashing Scam
  • Hydrogen Infrastructure Could Become a Cash Cow for the Fossil Fuel Industry
  • Hydrogen Is Dangerous
  • Hydrogen Is a Climate Hazard
  • Hydrogen Has Negative Impacts on Natural Resources
  • Hydrogen Worsens the Neocolonial Dynamics of Our Current Energy System
  • Hydrogen Is an Uncertain Bet That Could Ultimately Benefit Polluters
  • Hydrogen Is Expensive
  • Hydrogen Is Linked to Dirty Fossil Fertilizers
  • Hydrogen Distracts From Real Solutions


Have your say on the future of Europe’s energy system



We all know that Europe needs to stop building fossil fuel infrastructure yesterday to be able to keep the global temperature rise below 1.5 degrees.

The current law on priority EU energy infrastructure, the ‘TEN-E Regulation’, is very much at odds with the aim of building a future proof, clean energy system. It’s the law that made it possible for 55 fossil gas projects to receive highest EU priority as ‘Projects of Common Interest’ (PCIs). The good news: The law will be revised and the EU commission is seeking input from NGOs, citizens, scientists etc. on what a new energy infrastructure law should look like.

How can you submit to the consultation?

  1. Click on the button below – it will generate an email to the European Commission with a pre-written text.
  2. Fill out your name and other details at the bottom of the email text.
  3. If you have time, try to personalise your submission as much as possible. You could add a sentence or two at the start to say where you are writing from and why you particularly care about this issue. Feel free to edit the text of the email.

Link not working? Click here for an alternative way to make a submission.

Facts About LNG: Dismantling Misleading Rhetoric



In its narrative around the significance of liquified natural gas (LNG) for the European Union, the Commission is repeatedly using a set of controversial arguments. Also many MEPs have adopted the Commission’s wording unquestioned. But what is really behind these concepts?

Learn more in Food & Water Europe’s Factsheet:
Facts About LNG: Dismantling Misleading Rhetoric.